
Have you ever being in a situation whereby you felt really lost? When you are unsure about your next step, and you spend time pondering at your decision. You will appear quieter than usual and your mind is constantly reeling with a lot of thoughts. You roughly gauge the consequence of your decision and the level of risk. Then, you start to ask around.

And, you'll meet you first setback.


Your mum is not supportive of your decision. Then you start to doubt yourself all over again.

I'm going through this now. Life couldn't be better a couple of months ago, but, the Earth is constantly revolving and one can never be standing on the good position for long. Why can't this be longer for my case?

Maybe God is telling me something. But, but, I am not good at guessing. :/


However, tomorrow will be an AWESOME day. I'm sure of it.

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